Check it out. I wouldn't really rate it safe for work, but if you do, at least have headphones on. I love this video, and I love Lonely Island. If you don't already know these guys, climb out from under your rock and listen to the rest of their stuff. This was just released this past Saturday and already has 13 million views on Youtube. Love it.
sorry cant stand akon :(
talk about hyperbole.
LOL... Happy Christmas!!
andy samberg is hilarious
Christmas #1
Haha, another great song from them! :)
always a win with these guys. Though i usually don't look so happy when I have sex. more full of shame and regret. oh well.
not sure if i commented on this... but i love this song!
damn, 13 million? thats crazy
Ooh, I didn't know about that! They're hilarious.
its funny
I'd really love to say "I just had sex" with jessica alba... she's sooo hot!!
very cool song :D
i thought jizz in my pants would be my alltime favorite. but this is great
god damnit, it's stuck in my head
These guys along with the 'Autotune the News' crew are geniuses.
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