Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Interpol issued 'Red Notice' for Wikileaks' founder Julian Assange

Yes, the title says it all. A 'red notice' is an 'international wanted poster' of sorts, aimed with encouraging any country that may be harboring the individual to extradite them for punishment. As you can see, Julian here got in big trouble for 'Sex Crimes in Sweeden' (alleged rape)... and now he's got Interpol after him.

At this point, he may as well give up. While normally it is doubtful the US would extradite a citizen, Julian here already got on the US governments bad side when he leaked of a quarter-million US State Department diplomatic cables that revealed the private views of US diplomats towards foreign leaders around the world.

The Obama administration is exploring possible criminal charges against Assange under the Espionage Act... meaning he's pretty much a wanted man wherever he goes, and it's just a matter of time before he's arrested for one thing or another.


Teutorix said...

They are framing him.

tigey said...

I liked Julian Assange for his truth exposing documents, hope he'll make it

MikeyB said...

i heard about this..this guy is a straight up badass..i also believe he is being framed.

Lexington said...

He should pay if the claims are true but he's not being punished for that, he's being punished for telling the truth

Anonymous said...

Ouch, sucks to be Assange right now.

LoneIslander said...

He's totally screwed

Suciô Sanchez said...

I expect the administration will get all passive-aggressive on his ass to make up for their spineless handling of the situation up to now.

Whether you agree with Assange or not, the govt has utterly dropped the ball on this one.

cooperlife said...

it's total bullshit. they are just trying to silence a man that created a forum where people can reveal the truth.

Leddi said...

I heard about this, Its freaking nuts that the info got out

Vapor said...

Is their a betting pool on how long he stays free?

level85nerd said...

Ah okay. Didnt know that, red notice you said? sounds not good.

Super Rehab Clinic said...

hmmmmm... Interesting stuff... but I do have a few questions.. Think I will save them for later though

Monster Madness said...

I'm looking forward to the leaks about my country!

Anonymous said...

The best thing they can do it to get more international attention, that way people who want to silence him will be more hesitant to do so, for fear of calling even more attention to this organization.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I wish they would leave him alone lol

Ben said...

thats just GAY!!

I keep visiting bro

Beaker said...

If the charges are legit, he deserves what he gets, if it is framed, shame on them.

123 said...

I doubt that dude did any raping, lol

David Davidson said...

more and more this world is starting to resemble 1984.

me said...

Don't drop the soap Julian.

Das Auto! said...

i don't think he did it.

Sam said...

Good luck finding him, not gonna be easy :)

Mister Sharaf said...

nice blog man..

followin u

ThatGuy said...

Just read an article interviewing his mother. Even she say's the he got in over his head. I have a lot of opinions about this situation but will keep them to myself.

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