Yesterday, Blizzards Entertainments' (Dev's of the Diablo, Starcraft, and Warcraft series) CEO Mike Morhaimementioned the prospect of Diablo merging with consoles at DICE yesterday. There's a lot of talk about this, since it would be HUGE for consoles to have a game like Diablo 3 on consoles, especially if Battlenet is accessible to console gamers, allowing to play with their Diablo 3 PC gamer friends.
I think the possibility of this happening is high, especially after the success Torchlight has had with it's console port. I don't see any other of their series going to console, and Blizzard seems to agree noting that it was most likely, if any, that Diablo would be the series to be added to consoles.
But, for those of you who are doubtful, a direct quote from Mr. Morhaime;
"It's something that we're actually doing an investigation into to see if that could make sense."
Which basically means that they're figuring out whether or not the costs of licensing to consoles, as well as porting code/controls etc would be lower than their prospective profits by making such a move.
Personally, I'll still play it on PC. But if it means a bigger community, I'm all for it.
This could freaking sweet if it made its way to console! Please!
a bigger community would be nice for it but I am not seeing how well it'd play on console.. I guess we'll have to see
I'll def pick it up if it's on the console, but I'll grab a pc copy first :)
Most wanted game, for sure. Just like you I'll play on PC don't have any problems with console but Diablo and PC make the perfect match.
I played Diablo 2 for YEARS! I have been in almost every single ladder and played classic before LOD. If they were to allow PC + Console players to play together, console would get their ass kicked in any kind of PvP. The level of skill produced on the PC is just so much higher with its gamers.
high quality indeed
Famous Poetry about Life
Wow honestly.. I was excited for this game until I saw this video. Games these days are just backwards. They are just moving in a completely different direction. Granted, there are a few gems.. there are some games who have great gameplay and playability.. but all I see now is "boom in your face graphics".
This might appeal to young gamers but I just don't get it.
I would love to have it on XBLA. Here's hoping!
none of my comps are good enough to play games like that. this would be pretty cool
No reason not to do it. I would be a little skeptical about allowing cross-console games, as I'm fairly certain a keyboard and mouse has more control over an console controller. I guess it doesn't matter as much if it's not a FPS game.
too good to be true!
yea PC ftw
but you really need the consol market to get maximum profits.
Whilst I know the game will be infinitely better on PC, I would love to play it on 360.
I wish I could watch this now but I have low bandwidth at the moment. :/
I will later though
sweet but ill still get it on pc
this game runs the best on a PC
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