Sunday, February 6, 2011

I visited some friends last night, and we were having fun, having a few drinks... playing some Xbox. One of my friends turned on Limbo, a game I have very much wanted to try for a while but haven't got the chance... and I have to say, anyone who hasn't played it, go buy it right now for 1200 Microsoft Points (Xbox Live). It's very much worth it and has incredibly fun and addicting gameplay. I didn't beat it last night, but I'll definitely be buying it asap.

To add some notes:
This game is hard and unforgiving... completely. Don't expect second chances. The puzzles are involving, adaptive and interesting. They get progressively harder. Think portal, but a side-scroller that's much, much darker. Oh yes, this is a dark game. That features you, a little kid. You quickly fall in love with the atmosphere and it sucks you right into the world. The sound is also great.

Check it out.


Major Mack said...

never heard of it. Does looking interesting though

Tasty said...

That's a really great trailer. The game-play looks really smooth and the overall visual/auditory display looks very convincing.. not what'd I'd think of as "Limbo" in the biblical sense, but still a very interesting looking game. I have heard a few things about it but I haven't tried it yet. You pushed it up on my list :). Can't wait to see if you add anything about it in any upcoming posts.

Hart said...

hard, unforgiving games = rewarding

SportsGuyBrandon said...

Dude I've never even heard of this game but after seeing the video/reading your post....holy shit I want this game.

rjimmy said...

been meaning to buy it also also your blog is tight :)

Chocolatecoins14 said...

Sup bro

Chris said...

Nice trailer. Thanks for bringing this up. Following for sure

Tom Gunner said...

I must say that the game looks outstanding. It has been a while since I have played a good platformer.

Bob said...

Looks like a decent game. Most games are far too easy these days.

Cpt Pownzor said...

the art in that is very cool. I like the dark style of gameplay. Gets frustrating at times though haha I still have to beat it.

Zakk said...

I really enjoyed Limbo

cooperlife said...

I've heard a lot about that game.

!sense! said...

creepy looking game. i will check it out though,

Anonymous said...

I missed the opportunity to buy this on DotW. I still want it though!

tigey said...

Hehe, yeah, I agree, nice trailer

Rose said...

that vid was mesmerizing

Tsipise said...

Looks dark and thrilling.

CandleintheDark said...

Really? Ill be sure to try it then!

John Williams said...

you posted this on my friends birthday :) follow me back.

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