Monday, February 28, 2011

"Milo" Technical

Remember Milo? I do. He was showcased when "Kinect" (formerly known as Project Natal) was first announced by Peter Molyneux. Well, I thought this aspect of Natal was much more impressive than anything else I saw out of Kinect. Anyways, this is a technical view of how they handled the motion capture end of it. I thought it was really cool.

Check it out.


A Beer for the Shower said...

I always wondered what happened with this. Cool to see how they handled the motion capture. This is such impressive technology. I'm excited to see it implemented in games one day.

LoneIslander said...

Oh man, I remember seeing that for the first time. Creeped me the fuck out.

Zakk said...

I really enjoyed that. I'm just showing my support.

The Game Store Guy said...

I actually HEARD of this but never got a chance to see it. Thanks for this.

Tasty said...

wow this is unbelievable, how did I know know about this? I HAVE to find out more about this.

The only problem is it has to be constricted by the programming/scripting/voice acting. This still makes me exciting to think about the future possibilities. To think how far we've come in even ten years, you know?

CandleintheDark said...

I do remember this. It is a pretty awesome jump in animation technology

PvtCarlin said...

This is almost skynet scary.

Kris159 said...

It's weird how much technology they put into making games

Sarado said...

Definitley interesting to see.

Anonymous said...

wow that is friggin crazy. awesome blog btw!

Anonymous said...

It's amazing what technology comes up with! It's blowing my mind O_O

Anonymous. said...

Kinda cool, yeah.

Have fun! said...

i love your blog!

Alex DeLarge said...

I heard that whole thing was staged

Chris said...

Wow, cool vid!

Con Queso said...

Milo was great as a tech demo, but I think the whole "interact with voice" thing was taken way too far. I smelled bullshit the instant peter was on camera haha.

Chuck said...

Unrelated - I just noticed the TF2 soldier in your background. Cool!!

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