Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Hey guys,

Well in line with my other recommendations for good TV shows for people to watch... this is one of them. I have revisted it after quite a while and I actually like the show a lot more this time around. It's a sci-fi/western... an interesting combination but it actually works very well.

Unfortunately this is one of the shows that just 'went away'... the network it was playing on had a choice of one sci-fi show, and it was between Firefly and Buffy... and Buffy won. Which I think sucks, but eh what are you going to do.

Anyways, if you're interested in action, comedy and a host of 'anti-hero' type characters, this is the show for you. Watch the first season and then there's a movie to top it off. Hope you guys like it as much as I did.


Sam said...

Seems a bit old but it has a pretty interesting trailer

Unknown said...

I love this show. The movie was even better!

Choms1337 said...

hmm, that's could be a nice movie :) thx :)

Vapor said...

One of my favorite shows, Serenity is a great follow up to it as well.

Kris159 said...

I remember seeing some episode of this a really long time ago, cannot remember what it was about...

tomi991 said...

looks cool, might like it :)

sknroiws said...

I heard this show was great but I could never find a good copy of it anywhere I guess it's time to start looking again.

SuciƓ Sanchez said...

The first episode was a turn off for female viewers - the kiss of death on Fox.

Mister Sharaf said...

hm, not so good for me

LoneIslander said...

I never watched it, though I have considered taking a day to do so.

Monster Madness said...

I never watched this. I might give a try :D

The Viking said...

I never watched this series. I did like Buffy though! :P

Anonymous said...

I heard this was a good tv series from my friend but I don't like action too much

Mr Bouchard said...

I'll sure be checking it out once I'm done with the last season of Big Bang Theory!

Shady said...

i like the video!

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