Happy New Year!
Well apparently the crazy zealots that created 'Respect and Obey Authority' removed their video probably due to extreme opposition. Well, since not all of you got to watch it, here's another video... except this one you shouldn't rage... it's pretty amazing. For any of you Starcraft fans you'll get it right away, for everyone else... it's still awesome.
woah oh ohhhhhhhhh
I don't play, but it still made me lul hard.
aweseome :)
haha this is awesome! My friends are obsessed with SC I got to show them this video >_<
I still haven't played sc2, but I don't think I will.
is this for real :D?
Happy new year!!! :D
To whiney
OMG is that Husky?
The song was to touching...I'm proud to be a terran.
I have played starcraft I get it but these guys are just a gang of HOs. I cant get behind this, as much as they would all love for me to get behind them........
I visit this guys youtube channel daily i love his videos it's cool to see him posted here too.
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