Thursday, January 20, 2011

Starcraft 2

So I've been getting back into Starcraft 2, and have begun watching GomTV. There are some really awesome games. If you're a SC2 fan, definitely check it out here. Anyways, so if anyone remembers EGIdra from SC1, he's been playing some solid games this GSL season... However his most recent series against Jinro (Team Liquid) didn't go as planed.

Anyways, I am hopefully not the only one out there following this, it's definitely worth checking out and is far less nerdy than other 'pro gaming' out there.

Also, if any of you other guys play SC2 regularly and want some skilled guys to play with, feel free to add me... 

Nemesis (790 character code).

 I'm on pretty regularly after about 5PM.

Here's a video from the first game (it's not a bad one);


Isaac said...

I watch some team liquid games sometimes, nice post

MikeyB said...

gomtv rocks

Zakk said...

I've never played starcraft, it looks pretty fun though.

Vapor said...

I've been boycotting Blizzard for years.

Mister Sharaf said...

video doesn't work for me

Cpt Pownzor said...

cool i will have to check that out. Its crazy what some of those teams can do very very quickly.

BTN Hip Hop said...

i love starcraft 2 i just suck at it

Rawr said...

nice, I've never played Starcraft but I want one day, sounds cool

watchman said...

it's all about huk baby

Doo said...

"This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by (주)GRETECH." It says this on the video :/

Too bad =/ However will take a look at gomtv, haven't been watching it myself for a while too.

I'm a casual player, from time to time

poelanotex said...

not available :(

Gno said...

Your video is no longer available due to copyright. Too bad, I wanted to watch it.

Unknown said...

The second video doesn't work, looks like a copyright issue.
Following, because the rest of the post is interesting.

TheDude748 said...

cool videos. too bad that one of em doesnt work :(

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